Matthew 7: 13-14 (NIV)
13 Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Once you walk through the gate of salvation, you still have decisions to make in life.
When it comes to deciding, it’s easy to be hard, but it’s HARD TO BE SMART. In other words, it’s easy to choose the broad road, but it’s hard to choose the narrow…
Broad leads to unrighteousness and Narrow leads to righteousness. (read:Proverbs 14:12).
The world we live in involves hate, turmoil, threats, war, murder, poverty, injustices, economic travesties, culture wars, and world leaders that are ALL clashing. All of this affects your world (self, family, friends, work), and your decisions!
You’ve got to DECIDE what to do. (Verse 14 states, “only a few find it”), the narrow road that leads to life.
Whatever your decisions are:
- It must be a decision that the blood covers, it must be done prayerfully and according to God’s will.
Make the right decisions for you and your family…. And they will prosper, so long as they are under the blood…
You MUST stay under the “BLOOD”. The blood of Jesus Christ. The blood covenant is in FULL effect.
Some people don’t want to be protected through severe adversity. Some people like all the ills of hate. It’s what they choose and what they want.
They choose the broad road, and for them, this is why the road to life is narrow… and few find it.
Pastor A